Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Feeling Burned Out? Revitalize Your Job!

Once you've been in the same job for a long time, you might start to feel a little bored or burned out. However, you probably don't just want to quit and look for a new job, especially in this current economy. So what can you do to stay motivated?

Try implementing one or all of these three techniques to regain your passion for your job.

Job Enlargement Restructure your job by restoring the wholeness of the job. This means that you take your job and fit it into the bigger picture of the organization.

Maybe you've been working on one particular part of a project. Ask to see the other sections of the project in order to see how everything, including your part, fits together. It's motivational when you can see the bigger picture, or the finished product, rather than just your individual part in it. Recognizing how your work fits into the whole will also help you to understand the value of your job, and recognize the areas where you can improve or expand on to better fit the organization.

Job Enrichment Increase your personal responsibility for your work. Increase your authority (the right to act, decide, and command) to make decisions about your job, and make sure to participate in the planning process. This can give your position more value, helping you to reinvest yourself in the work.

Job Rotation Learn the job of another employee. If you and another employee are both burning out, then switch jobs! This allows you to challenge yourself and stay interested by learning all about a new position. Plus, you increase your own versatility by increasing your knowledge of the organization. In familiarizing yourself with other jobs, you also learn how your work relates to other positions in the organization.

For more tips on how to stay motivated, check out our fun new course on the Art of Motivation, and be sure to take advantage of the first 3 FREE tutorials!


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