Monday, July 12, 2010

5 Reasons to Quit a Job and Start Choosing a New Career

Yes, the U.S. economy is in an economic crisis and jobs are hard to come by, but is it enough reason to stay at your current job position that is making you dread the weekdays? Start considering a mid career change when you start to feel these five factors…

Dreading work: If you can’t stand the people you are working with or the job itself is causing you chronic headaches, loss of sleep, constantly feel stressed, than it’s time for a new career exploration. Your mental/physical health, overall well-being is more important than any one position. Do not compromise your health. Quit before the job burns you out.

Find yourself marginalized: Marginalization is another good reason to quit a job when your responsibilities are slowing taken away or downsized by the upper management. Career exploration is needed when supervisors are excluding you from important discussions, meetings etc.

You outgrew your job: It’s time for a new job search when there are no more advancement opportunities within an organization or field. You may have started your current position as a novice, but now you have a lot of experience—more than your current position requires. To move up in your career, you must at times, quit.

A better offer is on the table: Money is another big factor when it comes to staying or going. If you’ve been stuck at the same salary level for a while with no hope of a pay raise, then it’s time for you to leave your current job position. When changing careers, if there’s an offer you are find difficult to refuse with all other prospective being a good fit, give the offer serious consideration.

There is a breach of trust: Do not get caught constantly waiting on the promise of “next time.” Voice your displeasure if you find yourself in a situation where your supervisor shows a lack of good faith toward you by failing to follow through on his promises. Trust is an unspoken contract and a violation of such should include reparations of some sort. If you find yourself in a situation similar to this, it is time for you to start packing your bags and looking elsewhere.


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