Thursday, July 1, 2010

Soft Skills Training: 5 Most in Demand Interpersonal Skills

The importance of soft skills training should not be overlooked because to move ahead in your career, you need more than technical qualifications. Yes, technical skills may get you an interview, but it’s really your soft skills, also known as interpersonal skills, that land you the job. It’s also your soft skills that help you keep your job too. Here are six in demand “soft skill training” asked next to the demands of technical qualifications:

Communication Skills—Interviewers prefer job applicants with communication skills training. This does not mean they are looking for applicants who speaks or writes well specifically, but someone who can express themselves. For example, someone who can write a coherent memo, the ability to persuade others with a presentation, or just the ability to calmly explain to team members what he/she needs and wants.

Teamwork—Effective productivity in an organization depends on the constructive teamwork and collaboration of its workers. Teamwork training is a crucial desired soft skill that interviewers are looking for in candidates, someone who can play and work well with others. Companies look for someone who can take charge when the occasion calls for it, be a good follower, monitor the progress of a project, meet deadlines, work well with others across the company to achieve a common goal etc.

[More about how to learn soft skills]

Problem solving—Have you ever wondered why most interviewers ask you the question, “How did you turn a negative situation into a positive one?” This question is asked specifically to gauge the success of your assertiveness training. Be prepared for this question in any interview with several examples of what you did, how you approached a situation, how you involved others, and what the outcome was.

Critical observation— No interpersonal skills training would be complete without learning about the importance of critical observation. It’s not enough to just collect data and manipulate it, you must also have the ability to digest, analyze, and interpret the information. You should be asking yourself when viewing important facts, how does the data affect the company as a whole?

Conflict resolution—Ability to resolve a conflict should also be included in your soft skill training. Your ability to persuade, to negotiate, and resolve a conflict is momentous for your career advancement. Be ready to show your conflict resolution skills and when the time calls for it, to negotiate win-win solutions to serve the best interest of the company and individuals involved.


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