Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Video Tutorials: A Growing Medium for Advanced Career Training

Traditional academic settings, such as universities and trade schools are starting to make way for technological advanced mediums to support students and working professionals who are always in constant locomotion. And due to the explosion of the “information highway,” video based training tutorials of learning multimedia software applications are growing in momentum.

Especially within the realm of business and higher education, online tutorials are increasingly the favored method of learning due to the fact that there is no constraint, unlike a traditional academic setting such as the classroom where it’s allocated with time and place restrictions and limitations.

With video tutorials, training courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere. Computer training is much more accessible than being interrupted from your daily activities and schedule to get to class on time. The beauty of online training is that it can be accessed without the disturbance in your personal and professional life.

Online training tutorials are also time efficient in the sense that learners don’t have to waste time in reviewing materials they already know. For example, learners interested in a particular course can just click on the software tutorials that pertain to their interest without having to go through the unnecessary segments.

Skeptics might point out that with virtual training, learners are unable to ask questions, problems, or concepts that they might have, unlike a traditional class where instructors are there in person to answer students’ questions. But most video tutorials performed are presented by specialists in their given field. The chances of having any concepts or problems unresolved in their tutorials are pretty slim. If there is a concern, all you would have to do is play the tutorials again and look and listen carefully for your answer.


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